I am a Mother above all else. Photographer, Friend & Goofball is just the icing on the cake...Chocolate preferably!

If you like what you see & read, let me know you made it to my corner of the Cyber Universe by leaving a comment or messaging me!

XOXO - Cru

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Miss Anaise - How Sweet she is...

My friend Mercy has a daughter graduating this coming year. She's not your average girl but once you meet her it's like walking into a plethora of giggles, glitter, lip gloss and the joy of being a teenager/young adult with a world of wonder and opportunity ahead of her. It's like watching your favorite 80's teen movie but in real life. She's cool, classy, sassy and just fun to be around. Here are some of my favorites from her senior session. Congratulations, Pretty Girl!!!