I am a Mother above all else. Photographer, Friend & Goofball is just the icing on the cake...Chocolate preferably!

If you like what you see & read, let me know you made it to my corner of the Cyber Universe by leaving a comment or messaging me!

XOXO - Cru

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

When life gives you Lemons...

This blog was a long time coming, but at the suggestion of one my favorite photographer's (Scarlett Lillian) I'm biting the bullet with the hopes that it doesn't explode between my teeth.

My photography journey began when my 13 year old son, Matthew was only 18 months old. At 19 (yes I was a teen mom) I took a job at a department store photo studio for minimum wage. I actually liked it although everything was pretty much set up where there was no room for creative control. It was a wall mounted camera in a room the size of a walk in closet and you had to pose, play and push the button in the hopes that you had a shot worthy of selling. I didn't know what I had gotten myself into. I ended up losing my job due to a car accident I had on my way home from work with the flu because even though I was sick & medicated, my boss needed a full staff that day. I totaled the car and never went back to that place since I had no transportation.

Over the years at all our family functions, I was always with somebody's camera in hand since I didn't have one of my own. I moved back home to Jersey for a stint of 6 years where I made a "career" (ha!) as an administrative professional. Needless to say...just because you're good at something, doesn't mean you're cut out for that profession. I tried going back to college a few times but I get bored easily. So I worked my butt off. For what other than my children - I'm not sure. This is where I tell you how to make Lemonade out of the Lemons life gives you.

During all those years I was in an imploding relationship with my Boys' father. My son was a twin but his brother died at birth. They were identical. Having to go through Life & Death in the same instance is not easy for an 18 year old fresh out of high school. I went through a couple of bouts of Post Partum that went untreated except for my own defenses of overworking myself to keep busy so that I didn't have to think about the Lemons. I knew that I was working towards something fruitful. But dammit...those freakin lemons kept coming out of the woodwork. I wanted something sweet with a nicer color. Give me Berries...Give me Watermelons.

One day, my sister Maggie, (The one I call my 2nd mom) while looking at our family's collection of photos, looks at me and tells me...."Cruz, you should be a photographer. You are a creative person and you are great with kids and people and you're young enough to make a career out of it. If you really want to go to school see what's photography programs are available that fit your work schedule."

How she pegged me as a photographer, I'm not sure. But of all the words uttered at me in my 21 years of existence (at that time), those few words have resonated into a Waterpark of Lemonade. I took her advice. Why? Well, I had hit rock bottom in my relationship. I lost alot of things (including myself) in my separation from my ex as well as my credit. Yeah...he's was going out with a bang. I stopped being a Punching Bag. I had nothing left to lose. There was no where to go but up. What I did have that he couldn't take from me was my Fervor & Conviction as a Mother that I had an example to set, a bar to raise, a life to live and provide for my children that entailed Love, Hard Work and Commitment.

The Lemon - Single Motherhood
The Lemonade - Earned Income Credit & Hefty Tax Return

I started buying photography books and enrolled in a correspondence course to learn the basics of professional photography. I didn't quite have enough to buy an SLR but I had used one before. Digital Photography was pretty new on the scene so I went and bought a P&S Sony Cybershot and here were my humble beginnings. I was onto to something.

I reinvented myself and vowed that nothing & noone was going to stop me. So every year with my income tax return, I invested in my photography equipment amidst dirty looks from my mother who used to think in the beginning that I was probably kidding myself and was just an impulsive shopper.

And here I am. Cru. The youngest of 4 siblings who became a mother before my sisters and my brother whom are 7, 10 and 15 years older than me. Domestic Violence survivor. Gypsy by nature (story for another day). My equipment list is longer and better. My body of work has significantly improved.
I have literally built my lil biz by myself. From logo, to website to equipment. Many a sleepless and crying night trying to figure stuff out.

I shoot Canon although I have nothing against Nikon. I work off of a Mac (never had a problem).

Still got alot to go though. Photography is like tattooing I've heard....It gets addictive.

If you come across my ranting of a blog, drop me a line...let me know you were here. I love a good laugh & a good story. And if you have pictures to go with it....even better!

Here are some of the shots from that little camera. I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Jessi said...

love your blog!! i wanted to read more i learned new things about you! :) love ya keep up the good work!!